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IT - Telecomunicatii doar cu poze Disponibil imediat Profesie: Software

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  • 7

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send CV to info @

  • 2

    Disponibil online

    Secretar de redacție

    Cerințe: - bune cunoștințe de limba română; - abilități PC; - stăpânire programe de editare text, Microsoft Office; - disponibilitate de a învăța. Puteți trimite CV pe adresa

  • 3

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 2

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 2

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • Disponibil online

    Proiectant NX CatiaV5

    Proiectant NX CatiaV5 (m w) EXTERIOR INTERIOR AUTOMOTIVE Noi acționăm în cadrul oportunităților internaționale ca OEM independent combinând structurile suple cu cel mai scurt feed-back al companiilor medii. În vederea extinderii potențialului echipei noastre căutam membri noi care se disting prin motivație (determinare), gândirea și mod de a acționa independent. Scopul echipei este acela de a construi cele mai bune mașini de performanță din lume - pentru drum, precum și pentru pista de curse. Sarcinile tale: Intrați în echipa noastră ca Proiectant de Detaliu (suporter), iar apoi în funcție de experiența si aptitudinile dvs după circa nouă pană la optsprezece luni vă veți dezvolta ca Responsabil de Produs. În acest răstimp veti fi sprijinit îndeaproape de un Proiectant experimentat ca Mentor. În plus, în anii ce vor urma, veți trece prin diverse programe de formare care să vă ajute să vă atingeți potențialul maxim și pentru a vă îndeplini cu succes atribuțiile ce vă revin. Profilul tău: Studii superioare încheiate în domeniu technic (de preferință Mecanică) cu experientă în domeniu proiectării. Dvs (m w) sunteți entuziasmat pentru domeniul auto. Utilizați cu siguranță un software de proiectare 3D de preferință NX sau CatiaV5 (sau un alt software de proiectare 3D). Aveți o foarte bună imaginație spațială, creativitatea și munca în echipă sunt printre punctele tale forte. Dispuneti totodată de initiativă și dorintă de a încerca lucruri noi. Dorința de a călători, precum și un nivel conversațional de limbă engleză și sau germană întregesc profilul tău. Vă rugăm să aplicați, detaliat și veridic, și să atașați CV-ul ca fișier PDF sau DOC (cu max. 10 MB). Va recomandăm să atasati și o scrisoarea de intenție și să includeți și eventualele referințe pe adresa de e-mail:

  • Technician Automatizari

    About Company: SC Tel Top Solutions Srl - Worldwide service and maintenance for automated equipment in food and beverage industries. Place of work: The work is carried worldwide - We accept applicants from all Romania city's and region's. Job positions: Automation Technician, Process Technician Requirements: - English ( Other languages are a +) - Good comunication skills. - Technical background and technical skils. - PLC programming: ( LAD FBD SCL) OR PC programming (C# C++) (both is a +) - Knowledge of Microsoft Office package (Word Excell ) - Electrical knowledge ( knowleadge about: automation, mechanic, pneumatic, electronic components is a ++) - Driving license category B - Availability to travel abroad. - Availability to flexible schedule. Salary: 3000 Euro to 5000 Euro Gross regarding the experience. A fast increase plan (6 to 12 months) up to maximum salary for entry level applicants. The first probation month is payed. Job Key Responsibilities: - Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan. - Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide. - Assure validation of equipments with customers representatives. - Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service. - Maintain customer service logs and internal service records. - Reports for technical service carried to the project responsible. - Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes. We wait your CV at: a n d r i e s c o n s t a n t i n 2 2 @ y a h o o . c o m or call directly to discuss.


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