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Constructii - Arhitectura - Design Companii Disponibil din: 2021-02-27

  • Anunțuri promovate (Vizualizare toate)

  • Anunțuri

    Anunțuri pe pagină: 20 / 50

  • Angajam inginer maistru constructii

    Angajam un inginer constructii civile cu sau fara experienta maistru cu experienta ptr un santier in Constanta. Detalii la telefon.

  • 2

    Angajam tamplar universal

    Firma mobilier si usi de interior - angajeaza tamplar universal, pentru realizarea de mobilier sau usi de interior - din PAL si MDF vopsit furniruit. Posibilitate de perfectionare in lucru cu furnir sau lemn masiv. Ore suplimentare platite integral si salariu atractiv. Contact:

  • Tamplar/Montator

    Angajam tamplar / montator mobilier la comanda din pal, mdf cu experiența !! Program de lucru 8 ore/zi. Conditii de lucru optime, scule profesionale pentru a realiza cu usurinta montajele! Cautam o persoana cu experienta in tamplarie si montaj!!!Salar motivant in functie de experienta si implicare!! Se ofera si bonusuri !Rugam seriozitate !!

  • 2

    Angajam montatori mobilier

    Angajam tamplari cu experienta in asamblarea corpurilor din pal, mdf si panouri de lemn . Cerinte minime necesare : capacitatea de a intelege schitele de asamblare,asamblarea corpurilor ,montare si reglare balamale,montare glisiere standard si cu amortizare,permis de conducere categoria B constituie un avantaj Oferim un mediu placut, program de 8 ore de luni pana vineri ,salariu atractiv in functie de abilitati plus comision la fiecare proiect in functie de implicare ! Sediul atelierului este in comuna GHIRODA.

  • 1

    Angajam tamplar si montator mobilier la comanda

    Angajam tamplar si/ sau montator mobilier la comanda din pal, mdf cu experiența. Program de lucru 8 ore/zi. Conditii de lucru optime, scule profesionale pentru a realiza cu usurinta montajele! Cautam o persoana cu experienta in tamplarie si montaj!!!Salar motivant in functie de experienta si implicare!! Rugam seriozitate !! Locație: Ghiroda

  • Mecanic statie asfalt

    Cerințe: Studii medii specialitatea mecanică utilaje Experiență experienta în stații de producție beton mixtură asfaltică prezinta un avantaj Bune cunoștințe tehnice, în special cunoașterea instalațiilor industriale Persoana activă, punctuală; Abilități de comunicare și relaționare; Înclinație spre lucrul în echipă; Rapiditate și flexibilitate în îndeplinirea taskurilor; Responsabilități: Întreținerea stației de producție betoane asfalt din punct de vedere tehnic Reparația stației în cazul apariției unor defecte tehnice Informarea șefului direct în legătură cu orice nereguli apărute. Verifica zilnic, la începutul programului funcționarea stației Condiții: Program de lucru full-time, cu disponibilitate pentru program prelungit lucru în ture Pachet salarial motivant Un loc de muncă stabil și pe termen lung

  • 21

    Angajez personal montaj tubulatura de ventilatie

    Buna ziua, Angajez personal cu experienta sau fara in domeniul ventilatiilor industriale, Cunostinte desen tehnic Experienta minima 3-4 ani, Permis de conducere cat B ar fii un plus, Se vor executa urmatoarele operațiuni de montaj: -Tubulatura regtangulara si spiro circular tabla zincata; -Tubulatura flexibila izolata si neizolata; -Accesorii (Clapeti antifoc,antiretur,reglaje,atenuatoare zgomot s.a); -Difuzoare,plenumuri grile si grile liniare; -Ventilatoare de orice tip,desfumari,presurizari,depresurizari; -Perdele de aer poliester cu microperforatii; -Tubulatura inox (hote,cosuri de evacuare gaze simple dublu izolat); -Tubulatura ALP; -Pozitionarea si asamblarea unitatilor BTU; -Izolarea conductelor de aer cu izolatie tip K-flex,vata bazaltica sau vata minerala; Avem lucrari in punctele: Bucuresti, Brasov,Sibiu, Franta,Germania, Avantajele salariale o sa le discutam telefonic sau stabilim o intalnire, Mai multe detalii la telefon! -Adrian Mihai

  • 3

    Inginer constructii/ Sef santier

    Cerinte: -Studii: superioare de specialitate -Experienta medie Responsabilitati: -verifică zilnic stadiul de execuție al lucrărilor, precum și rapoartele de lucru ale echipelor de execuție -întocmește procesele verbale de lucrări și de faze determinante în conformitate cu cerințele din proiect și legislația în vigoare și se asigură de semnarea lor la timp pe parcursul derulării proiectului -intocmire documente (calitate, receptie, executie) -cunostinte despre interpretarea planurilor Beneficii: -Salariu motivant; -Masina de servici, laptop, telefon -Asigurare medicala privata; -Tichete de masa; -Tichete cadou de Pasti si Craciun; -Program de lucru L-V( in santier). Asteptam C.V.-urile dumneavoastra si pe adresa de mail oficiala geanina.suto(aron) Tipul jobului: Cu normă întreagă

  • 15

    Muncitor constructii

    Muncitor necalificat. Net 3500. Ofer cazare.

  • 1

    Inginer structuri metalice

    SC WISE STEEL DETAILING SRL din Brasov angajeaza ingineri structuri metalice (proiectare detaliere) Candidatul ideal - Absolvent al unei universitati cu profil tehnic; experienta constituie un avantaj; - Cunostinte de operare PC (programe CAD); - Cunoasterea programelor SDS 2 si AutoCAD constituie un avantaj; - Cunostinte bune de limba engleză; - Capacitate de a lucra in echipa; - Capacitatea de a intelege, analiza si interpreta proceduri tehnice, standarde, desene si specificatii de proiect. Descrierea jobului: - modelarea si detalierea structurilor metalice conform documentatiei si a standardelor in vigoare. - verificarea desenelor de executie si planelor de montaj; - comunicarea cu clientii firmei;

  • 4

    Angajam muncitor intretinere

    Societatea SC Rostock 2000 SRL ,cu sediul in Soseaua Odai Nr. 117-123 Bucuresti, Sector 1, zona Otopeni, angajeaza muncitor intretinere instalatii, reparatii cladiri, gradinarit, etc. Program de lucru: 08-16:30 de luni -vineri. Pentru inceput se ofera salariu lunar net de 3.000 lei , se deconteaza transportul, plus bonuri de masa . . Varsta maxima de 55 ani.

  • 2


    Angajez faiantari si necalificați

  • 3

    Angajam inginer constructii civile zona Galati-Braila

    Angajam, in conditii deosebite (ne marim echipa), inginer constructor, specializare constructii civile, responsabil de coordonarea si conducerea tuturor activitatilor dintr-un santier. Se ofera: Contract individual de munca incheiat pe perioada nedeterminata, cu venit real inregistrat; Salariu atractiv si bonusuri in concordanta cu pregatirea profesionala, experienta dovedita, atitudinea si implicarea aratate si in functie de rezultatele obtinute; Program de lucru fix: 7:45: - 12:00 si 13 -17:15, de luni pana vineri si 8:00 -14:00 sambata, alternativ cu zile de sambata libere, indiferent de anotimp; Colectiv bine inchegat de colegi tineri, ambitiosi, deschisi, ce asigura un cadru propice pentru lucrul in echipa si cu rezultate profesionale de exceptie Birou propriu, calculator (laptop), telefon mobil, auto si cazare (dupa caz); Se cere: Pregatire profesionala (studii superioare, finalizate cu licenta) si experienta relevanta in domeniul constructiilor civile pentru cladiri rezidentiale; Experienta in coordonarea echipelor de muncitori si in lucrul cu oamenii, comunicare eficienta cu beneficiarii; Seriozitate si corectitudine, responsabilitate, implicare, atitudine proactiva; Disponibilitate pentru relocare in cazul santierelor noi deschise in tara; Utilizare computer (min. pachet Office, inclusiv Project Management, AUTOCAD, soft-uri de tip ERP); Permis de conducere categoria B. Firma de constructii civile cu activitate specializata pe domeniul rezidential, avand in portofoliu multe lucrari realizate in cadrul unor proiecte mari, deja finalizate (Siena, Top Class, Astrelor, Young City etc.), si alte contracte de executie aflate in derulare, in zona Bucuresti si in tara, inclusiv proiecte proprii, oferim servicii profesionale complete pentru construirea de proiecte imobiliare de tip rezidential, inclusiv consultanta, consiliere si management de proiect.

  • 2


    Angajez: inginer constructor, dulgher, finisorsi sofer avand toate categoriile. Punct de lucru Suceava. Relatii la telefon:

  • Civil Plumber

    Job Title: Civil Plumber Job Summary: As a Civil Plumber, you will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing plumbing systems in civil engineering projects such as buildings, infrastructure, and construction sites. Your role is crucial in ensuring the proper functioning of water supply, drainage, and sewage systems in various civil engineering projects. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install plumbing systems in new construction projects, including water supply lines, drainage pipes, fixtures, and fittings, according to blueprints, building codes, and project specifications. 2. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on plumbing systems to ensure they are operating efficiently and in compliance with safety and health regulations. 3. Repair: Troubleshoot and repair plumbing issues, such as leaks, clogs, or damaged pipes, using appropriate tools and techniques. 4. Inspection: Conduct inspections of plumbing systems to identify potential problems or areas for improvement, and make recommendations for repairs or upgrades as needed. 5. Collaboration: Coordinate with other construction professionals, including architects, engineers, and contractors, to ensure the seamless integration of plumbing systems with other building components. 6. Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant building codes, regulations, and safety standards governing plumbing installations and repairs. 7. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of work performed, including installation plans, maintenance schedules, and repair logs, for future reference and reporting. 8. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing any plumbing-related concerns or inquiries from clients, tenants, or building occupants. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of a plumbing apprenticeship program or vocational training in plumbing is highly desirable. 2. Experience: Previous experience as a plumber, particularly in civil engineering or construction projects, is preferred. 3. Licensing: Valid plumber's license or certification as required by local regulations. Knowledge of relevant plumbing codes and regulations is essential. 4. Technical Skills: Proficiency in reading blueprints, interpreting technical diagrams, and using a variety of plumbing tools and equipment. 5. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose plumbing issues and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to perform physical tasks such as lifting heavy pipes and equipment, working in confined spaces, and standing or kneeling for extended periods. 7. Communication: Excellent communication skills to interact professionally with clients, coworkers, and other stakeholders. Working Conditions: Work may involve exposure to various weather conditions, including extreme temperatures and inclement weather. May require occasional overtime, weekend, or evening work to meet project deadlines or address emergency repairs. Must adhere to proper safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while on construction sites or in hazardous environments. This job description provides a general overview of the responsibilities and qualifications for a Civil Plumber and may vary based on the specific requirements of the employer or project.

  • 1

    SC ALPACCESS SRL din Bucov, jud Prahova ANGAJEAZA Alpinist utilitar

    SC ALPACCESS SRL din Bucov, jud Prahova ANGAJEAZA Alpinist utilitar

  • 8

    Angajam Tamplar Universal PAL MELAMINAT MDF in Ramnicu Valcea.

    Ne marim echipa!! Angajam tamplar cu experienta in productia de mobilier din pal melaminat MDF in Ramnicu Valcea. Candidatul ideal trebuie sa fie serios, sa aiba experienta in productia de mobilier, sa inteleaga si sa urmeze schitele mobilierului intocmai, sa fie atent la detalii, sa fie foarte atent la montaje, la mediul in care se face montajul(peretii, parchetul, gresia clientului), sa aiba dorinta de a lasa in urma mobila de calitate, totul functional, sa fie o persoana sociabila, prietenoasa cu clientii. Permisul categoria B reprezinta un avantaj. Oferim salariu motivant, conditii de munca de calitate, dispunem de utilaje si scule de mana noi. Programul de lucru de la 7.00 -16.00(incluzand pauza de masa) Luni-Vineri. Orele suplimentare se platesc separat(daca este cazul). Punctul de lucru se afla in orasul Rm. Valcea in zona Nord.

  • Civil Electrician

    Job Title: Civil Electrician Job Summary: As a Civil Electrician, your primary responsibility is to install, maintain, and repair electrical systems in civil engineering projects, including buildings, infrastructure, and construction sites. You play a crucial role in ensuring the safe and efficient operation of electrical equipment and systems within various civil engineering projects. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install electrical wiring, conduits, fixtures, and other electrical components in new construction projects according to blueprints, electrical codes, and project specifications. 2. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on electrical systems to ensure they are operating efficiently and in compliance with safety standards and regulations. 3. Repair: Troubleshoot electrical issues, such as power outages, faulty wiring, or malfunctioning equipment, and repair or replace defective components as needed. 4. Testing: Conduct tests and inspections of electrical systems to identify potential problems, ensure proper functioning, and verify compliance with safety standards. 5. Safety Compliance: Adhere to all safety protocols and regulations while working with electrical systems, equipment, and tools to prevent accidents, injuries, and electrical hazards. 6. Collaboration: Coordinate with other construction professionals, including architects, engineers, and contractors, to ensure the seamless integration of electrical systems with other building components. 7. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of work performed, including installation plans, maintenance logs, repair reports, and equipment specifications, for future reference and reporting. 8. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing any electrical-related concerns or inquiries from clients, tenants, or building occupants. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of an electrical apprenticeship program or vocational training in electrical systems is highly desirable. 2. Experience: Previous experience as an electrician, particularly in civil engineering or construction projects, is preferred. 3. Licensing Certification: Valid electrician's license or certification as required by local regulations. Knowledge of relevant electrical codes and regulations is essential. 4. Technical Skills: Proficiency in reading electrical blueprints, diagrams, and schematics. Experience using a variety of electrical tools and equipment for installation, maintenance, and repair tasks. 5. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose electrical issues and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to perform physically demanding tasks, including lifting heavy equipment, working in confined spaces, and standing or kneeling for extended periods. 7. Communication: Excellent communication skills to interact professionally with clients, coworkers, and other stakeholders, including the ability to convey technical information clearly and accurately. Working Conditions: Work environment may include exposure to noise, extreme temperatures, confined spaces, and hazardous materials. May require working at heights, in awkward positions, or in challenging conditions typical of construction sites. Must adhere to strict safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) at all times. This job description provides a general overview of the responsibilities and qualifications for a Civil Electrician and may vary based on the specific requirements of the employer or project

  • Installer

    Job Title: Installer Job Summary: The installer is responsible for the proper installation, maintenance, and repair of various equipment, systems, or products according to specifications and safety standards. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install equipment, systems, or products at customer locations or designated sites, following blueprints, diagrams, or other specifications. 2. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance and inspections on installed equipment to ensure proper functioning and longevity. 3. Repair: Troubleshoot and repair any issues with installed equipment or systems, including replacing parts, fixing connections, or adjusting settings. 4. Testing: Conduct tests and diagnostics on installed systems to ensure they meet performance standards and customer requirements. 5. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of installations, maintenance tasks, repairs, and any other relevant information. 6. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing any concerns or questions from customers regarding installations or repairs. 7. Safety: Adhere to all safety protocols and regulations while performing installations, maintenance, or repairs to prevent accidents or injuries. 8. Training: Stay updated on new technologies, techniques, and equipment relevant to the job through ongoing training and professional development. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Additional technical training or certification may be required depending on the specific industry. 2. Experience: Previous experience in a similar role preferred, with demonstrated knowledge of installation procedures and techniques. 3. Technical Skills: Proficiency in using hand and power tools, reading blueprints or diagrams, and understanding technical specifications. 4. Communication: Strong communication skills to interact effectively with customers, team members, and other stakeholders. 5. Problem-Solving: Ability to troubleshoot issues and find solutions quickly and efficiently. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to lift heavy objects, work in various weather conditions, and stand or kneel for extended periods. 7. Attention to Detail: Keen attention to detail to ensure accurate installation and maintenance of equipment or systems. Working Conditions: Installers may work indoors or outdoors, depending on the nature of the job. May be required to work in tight spaces, at heights, or in challenging environments. Flexible hours may be necessary to accommodate customer schedules or project deadlines. This job description is a general guideline and may vary depending on the specific requirements of the employer or industry.

  • Plumber

    Plumber Job Summary: As a plumber, you will be responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining plumbing systems and fixtures in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Your role is crucial in ensuring the proper functioning of water supply, drainage, and sewage systems to meet the needs of clients and ensure compliance with plumbing codes and regulations. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install and assemble plumbing systems, including pipes, fittings, fixtures, and appliances, according to blueprints, building codes, and specifications. 2. Repair and Maintenance: Diagnose and repair plumbing issues, such as leaks, clogs, and faulty fixtures, using appropriate tools and techniques. Perform routine maintenance to ensure the efficient operation of plumbing systems. 3. Pipefitting: Cut, thread, bend, and weld pipes as necessary to connect plumbing systems and components, ensuring proper alignment and tight seals. 4. Fixture Installation: Install and repair fixtures such as sinks, faucets, toilets, showers, and water heaters, ensuring proper function and alignment. 5. Drainage Systems: Install, repair, and maintain drainage systems, including sewer lines, storm drains, and septic tanks, to ensure proper wastewater disposal and prevent backups or flooding. 6. Testing and Inspection: Conduct tests and inspections of plumbing systems to identify leaks, blockages, or other issues, and make recommendations for repairs or upgrades as needed. 7. Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant plumbing codes, regulations, and safety standards while performing installation, repair, and maintenance tasks. 8. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing clients' plumbing concerns, answering questions, and explaining repair or installation processes. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of a plumbing apprenticeship program or vocational training in plumbing is preferred. 2. Experience: Previous experience as a plumber or in a related field is beneficial. Familiarity with plumbing systems, tools, and techniques is essential. 3. Licensing Certification: Valid plumber's license or certification as required by local regulations. Knowledge of relevant plumbing codes and regulations is necessary. 4. Technical Skills: Proficiency in using plumbing tools and equipment, reading blueprints and schematics, and understanding plumbing principles and materials. 5. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose plumbing issues and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to perform physically demanding tasks, including lifting heavy objects, working in confined spaces, and standing or kneeling for extended periods. 7. Communication: Good communication skills to interact professionally with clients, coworkers, and other stakeholders, including the ability to explain technical concepts to non-experts. Working Conditions: Work environment may include exposure to various weather conditions, cramped spaces, and potentially hazardous materials. May require working evenings, weekends, or on-call shifts to respond to emergencies or meet client needs. Must adhere to proper safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while on the job. This job description provides a general overview of the responsibilities and qualifications for a plumber and may vary based on the specific requirements of the employer or industry.

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