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  • 2

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 7

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send CV to info @

  • 4

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 1

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • 4

    Tehnician PLC - Proiecte internationale

    About Company: Tak Teknologi is a worldwide supplier for assembly testing equipment and specific software for food and beverage industries. For more information please visit: Job position - Automation Technician Requirements: PLC programming: Siemens TIA Portal. Knowledge of PC programming (C#) is a plus. Good knowledge of Microsoft Office package (especially Excel) Knowledge about automation, mechanic, pneumatic and electrical components Technical skills; Driving license category B Good communication skills - English mandatory, Italian and Spanish are a plus. Excellent organizational and interpersonal skills. Availability for flexible schedule. Travels in the country and abroad. Job Key Responsibilities: Perform technical & maintenance support according to the service plan, using all existing standards and norms. Install existing software and program equipments in customer locations worldwide, assure support during startups. Assure validation of equipment s with customers representatives. Work with experienced field engineers on basic troubleshooting and service Keep up to date on administrative responsibilities such as maintaining customer service logs and internal service records in a timely manner. Be in contact with Technical service area responsible, report technical services made based on the defined reports and through the correct channels. Contribute to the continuous improvement of our products and processes, presenting new proposals for improvement Follow technical actions when is nominated as responsible in action plans. Send curriculum vitae to info @

  • Disponibil online

    Soluții și servicii pentru dezvoltarea afacerilor în mediul digital

    Serviciile noastre în continuă evoluție, obținem creșterea și consolidarea prezenței afacerilor online în patru pași simpli. Pentru Companiile Mici și Începutul Drumului: Primul Pas: Consultanță și Planificare Începem prin a vă asculta și a înțelege viziunea și obiectivele afacerii dumneavoastră. Oferim consultanță expertă pentru a vă ghida în alegerile potrivite pentru dezvoltarea digitală. Pasul doi: Dezvoltare Web și Mobile Creăm un website modern și atrăgător care reflectă identitatea și valorile afacerii dumneavoastră. Dezvoltăm o aplicație mobilă adaptată nevoilor și cerințelor specifice ale afacerii dumneavoastră. Pasul trei: Testare și Feedback Efectuăm teste riguroase pentru a ne asigura că soluțiile noastre sunt perfect funcționale și intuitive. Luăm în considerare feedback-ul dumneavoastră pentru a ne asigura că produsul final este exact ceea ce v-ați dorit. Pasul patru: Lansare și Suport Continuu Vă sprijinim în lansarea oficială a website-ului sau aplicației mobile. Oferim suport continuu și actualizări pentru a vă asigura că afacerea dumneavoastră rămâne la vârful tehnologiei. Pentru Companiile cu Website sau Aplicație Mobilă Existente: Primul pas: Audit și Evaluare Analizăm website-ul sau aplicația mobilă existentă pentru a identifica punctele tari și punctele slabe. Oferim o evaluare detaliată a performanței și a potențialului de îmbunătățire. Pasul doi: Soluții de Îmbunătățire și Actualizare Propunem soluții personalizate pentru a îmbunătăți experiența utilizatorului și a crește conversiile. Actualizăm și optimizăm website-ul sau aplicația mobilă pentru a răspunde cerințelor și tendințelor actuale. Pasul trei: Strategii de Marketing Digital Dezvoltăm strategii de marketing digital adaptate nevoilor și obiectivelor dumneavoastră. Implementăm tactici eficiente pentru a crește vizibilitatea online și a atrage noi clienți. Pasul patru: Monitorizare și Optimizare Continuă Monitorizăm performanța și rezultatele campaniilor de marketing digital. Facem ajustări și optimizări continue pentru a asigura că obiectivele dumneavoastră sunt îndeplinite cu succes. Indiferent de stadiul în care se află afacerea dumneavoastră în lumea digitală, suntem aici pentru a vă oferi soluții personalizate și sprijin complet în călătoria dumneavoastră către succesul online!


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