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    Anunțuri pe pagină: 20 / 50

  • 1

    angajez instalator

    angajez instalator cu experienta salar 6000-8000

  • 4

    Angajăm instalator cu sau fără experiență

    Dunemit Instalserv angajeaza instalator pentru instalații sanitare și gaz (cu sau fara experiență), detalii la telefonul afișat. Vă rog să nu sunați după ora 18.

  • 2

    Angajez sudor, Excavatorist și muncitori necalificat

    Firma gaze naturale angajez sudor, excavatorist, instalator si muncitor necalificat. (

  • 3

    angajare instalator sanitare si termice

    Angajam instalatori pentru instalatii sanitare si termice. Salariu atractiv. Experienta profesionala intre 1-5 ani

  • 2

    Anunt angajare

    Raptor Industries, angajeaza instalator termice, sanitare. Program de lucru 8-17. Posesor permis categoria B. Relatii la telefon .

  • 1

    Angajam frigotehnist cu experienta , instalator aer conditionat, muncitor necalificat

    Angajam instalator HVAC frigotehnist cu experienta S.C. ALEMITECH SERV S.R.L. angajam - Instalator HVAC frigotehnist cu experienta , instalator aer conditionat, muncitor necalificat Desfasoara activitatii de montaj, exploatare, intretinere si reparatii pentru echipamente de aer conditionat si climatizare. Responsabilitati: Monteaza si instaleaza sisteme de climatizare tip split, caseta, duct, VRF, sisteme de ventilatii; Mentenanta (revizii si reparatii) sisteme de climatizare tip split, caseta, duct, VRF, sisteme de ventilatii; Participa si efectueaza lucrari specifice de montaj aer conditionat, climatizare rezidential, comercial si industrial; Participa la lucrari de mentenanta (revizii si interventie pentru instalatii HVAC); Analizeaza si alege solutii tehnice pentru instalatii de aer conditionat, ventilatie si climatizare; Pregateste documentatia tehnica specifica licitatiilor; Acorda suport tehnic pentru anumite activitati sau lucrari in desfasurare (intretinere, reparatii, montaje, etc.); Participa ocazional la receptia lucrarilor; Intocmeste si verifica documente specifice activitatii de service; Stabileste sau aproba necesarul de materiale si sau piese de schimb, dupa caz. Cerinte: Experienta in domeniul montajului si mentenantei instalatiilor de climatizare; Cunostinte de baza de functionare, instalare si intretinere echipamente de climatizare; Diploma de frigotehnist - constituie un avantaj; Posesor permis de conducere, categoria B - constituie un avantaj; Loialitate, flexibilitate si initiativa; Capacitate de lucru cu termene limita; Persoana riguroasa, ordonata, spirit de echipa; Disponibilitatea deplasarii in tara; Apt pentru lucrul la inaltime. Beneficii: Contract de munca; Concedii conform legislatiei; Asigurare medicala; Prime de sarbatori; Cursuri de formare profesionala; Bonusuri de performanta; Program de lucru 8 ore zi de luni pana vineri; Salariu NET frigotehnist incepand de la 5000lei si poate creste in functie de performante. Salariu NET instalator aer conditionat incepand de la 4500 si poate creste in functie de performante. Salariu NET muncitor necalificat incepand de la 3500 si poate creste in functie de performante.

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    Angajam frigotehnist 800-1000Euro

    Cerințe persoana calificata ca frigotehnist -permis de conducere categoria B atestat AGFR constituie un avantaj nu o conditie obligatorie; experienta profesionala ca frigotehnist de cel puțin 3 ani realizarea de calitate inalta a lucrarilor; Descrierea jobului mentinerea tuturor utilitatilor (instalatii electrice, instalatii sanitare si climatizare) in stare buna de functionare; -program de lucru de Luni-Vineri se lucreaza in echipa activități de lucru ce include: activități mecanice, electrice, sanitare (se lucrează în echipa cu un instalator); Beneficii salariu fix plus daca este cazul orele suplimentare și weekendurile plătite -masina de servici scule pentru desfășurarea activității Persoanele interesate sa îmi trimita cv-ul în privat!

  • 1

    Angajez instalator

    Societate Comercială angajează instalatori sanitare și termice în Jud Constanța cu calificare sau fără ,salariu atractiv

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    Angajam instalatori tehnico sanitari

    Candidatul ideal Experienta ca si instalator minim 2 ani constituie un avantaj; Cunostinte in domeniul instalatiilor sau dorinta de a invata/perfectiona meseria de instalator; Bune abilitati de comunicare/ relationare interpersonala; Un nivel ridicat de orientare catre client; Abilitatea de a lucra individual/ independent; Spirit de echipa; Capacitate de adaptabilitate la situatii diverse; Capacitatea de a coordona executia lucrarilor este un plus; Preocupare pentru atingerea obiectivelor si atentie la detalii; Carnetul de conducere constituie un avantaj. Descrierea jobului Instalare centrale termice, corpuri de incalzit, panouri solare, aer conditionat; Alimentari cu apa; Instalare obiecte sanitare; Beneficii: decontare transport; Program flexibil; Plata orelor suplimentare; - Tichete de masa

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    Angajez instalatori gaze si termice si muncitori necalificati

    Angajez instalatori tehnico sanitari si de gaze firma autorizata, cautam persoane cu experienta, serioase, organizate, capabile sa faca lucruri de calitate; experienta de lucru in domeniu de minim 1 an; - experienta in domeniul instalatiilor de gaze naturale: executie instalatii, verificari si revizii tehnice periodice; - experienta in sudura electrica, conducte de otel ; permis de conducere cat. b (avantaj masina persoanala) diplome cu certificari /calificari/ autorizatii - constituie un avantaj descrierea jobului - executie verificari si revizii tehnice periodice gaze naturale - verificari / reparatii centrale termice , autorizatii iscir - executie instalatii gaze naturale - montaj centrale termice - executie instalatii termice si sanitare

  • 2

    Angajăm instalator cu experiență

    Angajăm instalator pentru instalații termice în special montaj Pompe de căldură, ventilație, sanitare. Se ofera salariu motivant în funcție de performanțe, experiență, volum de muncă. Totodată oferim un mediu de munca optim, punem la dispoziție mașină de serviciu pentru deplasarea în interes de serviciu, echipamente de protecție și scule profesionale pentru a ușura munca. Profil candidat ideal: -Calificare și experiență în domeniul instalațiilor termice și sanitare MONTAJ POMPE DE CĂLDURĂ. -Disciplinat, harnic și dornic de profesionalizare continuă. -Spirit organizatoric. -Disponibilitate deplasari. CV-urile se pot depune pe adresa de mail Mai multe relații la numărul de telefon din anunț.

  • 1

    Angajam montator tubulatura ventilatie

    Suntem o firma care se ocupa cu climatizare si ventilatie industriala, si montajul tubulaturii de ventilatie. Daca ai experienta si esti dipus sa faci deplasari prin toata tara contacteaza-ne. Cautam persoane intre 18-45 de ani Salariu motivant. Salariul se negociaza in functie de experienta si cunostinte. Permisul de conducere constitue un avantaj.

  • Angajez instalatori (instalații termice şi sanitare)

    Societatea Prosim Instal Impex S.R.L. din Cluj-Napoca suntem în căutarea de instalatori. Echipa noastră se specializează în: - Instalații termice, cu accent pe sistemele de încălzire în pardoseală; - Instalații sanitare. Dacă ești dornic să te alături echipei noastre și ai experiență de minim 5 ani, sună acum la numărul de telefon: pentru mai multe detalii și pentru a aplica. Salariul se situeaza între 5000-6000 lei. Telefon:

  • Angajam tehnician frigotehnist

    Angajam tehnician in domeniul HVAC absolvent studii medii - avantaj calificare frigotehnist; permis de conducere categoria B (avantaj) cunostinte privind tehnologia de lucru a echipamentelor de incalzire, frigorifice si climatizare; minime cunostinte de automatizare (pentru sistemele HVAC); persoana de incredere, onesta ,responsabila, disciplinata, riguroasa , organizata; capacitate de lucru in conditii de stres; posibilitate de program prelungit; capacitate de comunicare si relationare cu clientii companiei; experienta de minim 2 an de zile in activitati de service si PIF instalatii de climatizare si HVAC; Descrierea jobului: presupune delegatii in toata tara Activitate de mentenanta preventiva si corectiva la echipamente de HVAC (chillere, CTA-uri, sisteme multisplit, VRV, etc.); activitati de PIF a echipamentelor HVAC (chillere, CTA-uri, sisteme multisplit, VRV, etc.); activitati de depanare identificare si rezolvare a problemelor tehnice aparute; salariul se negociaza in functie de experienta. pentru mai multe detalii puteti sa sunati la .

  • 4

    Angajam muncitor intretinere

    Societatea SC Rostock 2000 SRL ,cu sediul in Soseaua Odai Nr. 117-123 Bucuresti, Sector 1, zona Otopeni, angajeaza muncitor intretinere instalatii, reparatii cladiri, gradinarit, etc. Program de lucru: 08-16:30 de luni -vineri. Pentru inceput se ofera salariu lunar net de 3.000 lei , se deconteaza transportul, plus bonuri de masa . . Varsta maxima de 55 ani.

  • Civil Plumber

    Job Title: Civil Plumber Job Summary: As a Civil Plumber, you will be responsible for installing, maintaining, and repairing plumbing systems in civil engineering projects such as buildings, infrastructure, and construction sites. Your role is crucial in ensuring the proper functioning of water supply, drainage, and sewage systems in various civil engineering projects. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install plumbing systems in new construction projects, including water supply lines, drainage pipes, fixtures, and fittings, according to blueprints, building codes, and project specifications. 2. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance on plumbing systems to ensure they are operating efficiently and in compliance with safety and health regulations. 3. Repair: Troubleshoot and repair plumbing issues, such as leaks, clogs, or damaged pipes, using appropriate tools and techniques. 4. Inspection: Conduct inspections of plumbing systems to identify potential problems or areas for improvement, and make recommendations for repairs or upgrades as needed. 5. Collaboration: Coordinate with other construction professionals, including architects, engineers, and contractors, to ensure the seamless integration of plumbing systems with other building components. 6. Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant building codes, regulations, and safety standards governing plumbing installations and repairs. 7. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of work performed, including installation plans, maintenance schedules, and repair logs, for future reference and reporting. 8. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing any plumbing-related concerns or inquiries from clients, tenants, or building occupants. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of a plumbing apprenticeship program or vocational training in plumbing is highly desirable. 2. Experience: Previous experience as a plumber, particularly in civil engineering or construction projects, is preferred. 3. Licensing: Valid plumber's license or certification as required by local regulations. Knowledge of relevant plumbing codes and regulations is essential. 4. Technical Skills: Proficiency in reading blueprints, interpreting technical diagrams, and using a variety of plumbing tools and equipment. 5. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose plumbing issues and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to perform physical tasks such as lifting heavy pipes and equipment, working in confined spaces, and standing or kneeling for extended periods. 7. Communication: Excellent communication skills to interact professionally with clients, coworkers, and other stakeholders. Working Conditions: Work may involve exposure to various weather conditions, including extreme temperatures and inclement weather. May require occasional overtime, weekend, or evening work to meet project deadlines or address emergency repairs. Must adhere to proper safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while on construction sites or in hazardous environments. This job description provides a general overview of the responsibilities and qualifications for a Civil Plumber and may vary based on the specific requirements of the employer or project.

  • Installer

    Job Title: Installer Job Summary: The installer is responsible for the proper installation, maintenance, and repair of various equipment, systems, or products according to specifications and safety standards. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install equipment, systems, or products at customer locations or designated sites, following blueprints, diagrams, or other specifications. 2. Maintenance: Perform routine maintenance and inspections on installed equipment to ensure proper functioning and longevity. 3. Repair: Troubleshoot and repair any issues with installed equipment or systems, including replacing parts, fixing connections, or adjusting settings. 4. Testing: Conduct tests and diagnostics on installed systems to ensure they meet performance standards and customer requirements. 5. Documentation: Maintain accurate records of installations, maintenance tasks, repairs, and any other relevant information. 6. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing any concerns or questions from customers regarding installations or repairs. 7. Safety: Adhere to all safety protocols and regulations while performing installations, maintenance, or repairs to prevent accidents or injuries. 8. Training: Stay updated on new technologies, techniques, and equipment relevant to the job through ongoing training and professional development. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Additional technical training or certification may be required depending on the specific industry. 2. Experience: Previous experience in a similar role preferred, with demonstrated knowledge of installation procedures and techniques. 3. Technical Skills: Proficiency in using hand and power tools, reading blueprints or diagrams, and understanding technical specifications. 4. Communication: Strong communication skills to interact effectively with customers, team members, and other stakeholders. 5. Problem-Solving: Ability to troubleshoot issues and find solutions quickly and efficiently. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to lift heavy objects, work in various weather conditions, and stand or kneel for extended periods. 7. Attention to Detail: Keen attention to detail to ensure accurate installation and maintenance of equipment or systems. Working Conditions: Installers may work indoors or outdoors, depending on the nature of the job. May be required to work in tight spaces, at heights, or in challenging environments. Flexible hours may be necessary to accommodate customer schedules or project deadlines. This job description is a general guideline and may vary depending on the specific requirements of the employer or industry.

  • Plumber

    Plumber Job Summary: As a plumber, you will be responsible for installing, repairing, and maintaining plumbing systems and fixtures in residential, commercial, and industrial settings. Your role is crucial in ensuring the proper functioning of water supply, drainage, and sewage systems to meet the needs of clients and ensure compliance with plumbing codes and regulations. Key Responsibilities: 1. Installation: Install and assemble plumbing systems, including pipes, fittings, fixtures, and appliances, according to blueprints, building codes, and specifications. 2. Repair and Maintenance: Diagnose and repair plumbing issues, such as leaks, clogs, and faulty fixtures, using appropriate tools and techniques. Perform routine maintenance to ensure the efficient operation of plumbing systems. 3. Pipefitting: Cut, thread, bend, and weld pipes as necessary to connect plumbing systems and components, ensuring proper alignment and tight seals. 4. Fixture Installation: Install and repair fixtures such as sinks, faucets, toilets, showers, and water heaters, ensuring proper function and alignment. 5. Drainage Systems: Install, repair, and maintain drainage systems, including sewer lines, storm drains, and septic tanks, to ensure proper wastewater disposal and prevent backups or flooding. 6. Testing and Inspection: Conduct tests and inspections of plumbing systems to identify leaks, blockages, or other issues, and make recommendations for repairs or upgrades as needed. 7. Compliance: Ensure compliance with all relevant plumbing codes, regulations, and safety standards while performing installation, repair, and maintenance tasks. 8. Customer Service: Provide excellent customer service by addressing clients' plumbing concerns, answering questions, and explaining repair or installation processes. Qualifications: 1. Education: High school diploma or equivalent. Completion of a plumbing apprenticeship program or vocational training in plumbing is preferred. 2. Experience: Previous experience as a plumber or in a related field is beneficial. Familiarity with plumbing systems, tools, and techniques is essential. 3. Licensing Certification: Valid plumber's license or certification as required by local regulations. Knowledge of relevant plumbing codes and regulations is necessary. 4. Technical Skills: Proficiency in using plumbing tools and equipment, reading blueprints and schematics, and understanding plumbing principles and materials. 5. Problem-Solving: Strong problem-solving skills to diagnose plumbing issues and implement effective solutions in a timely manner. 6. Physical Stamina: Must be able to perform physically demanding tasks, including lifting heavy objects, working in confined spaces, and standing or kneeling for extended periods. 7. Communication: Good communication skills to interact professionally with clients, coworkers, and other stakeholders, including the ability to explain technical concepts to non-experts. Working Conditions: Work environment may include exposure to various weather conditions, cramped spaces, and potentially hazardous materials. May require working evenings, weekends, or on-call shifts to respond to emergencies or meet client needs. Must adhere to proper safety protocols and wear appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) while on the job. This job description provides a general overview of the responsibilities and qualifications for a plumber and may vary based on the specific requirements of the employer or industry.

  • Instalatorii Sanitari

    Angajam instalatori sanitari și necalificati Oameni onesti care sa știe sa citească un plan Timp de lucru 8 ore zi de luni până vineri Salariu atractiv

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    Angajam instalatori

    Firma N-el Gaz Instal SRL angajează instalatori pentru instalații termice si de gaze. Autorizația Anre constituie un avantaj dar nu este obligatorie. Se oferă salariu avantajos , masina de serviciu pentru deplasări la șantier plus bonusuri de performanta. Pentru detalii sunați la nr de telefon: 

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