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IT - Telecomunicatii Bucuresti Persoane Disponibil din: 2021-01-13 Tip job: Full time

  • Anunțuri

    Anunțuri pe pagină: 20 / 50

  • 1

    Angajam Remote pentru: franceză sau germana, italiana, spaniola, polona, engleza, portugheza,

    Cautam colegi pentru Multinationala, se poate lucra si de acasa - Telus International, Bucuresti, Afi Park - Militari, vorbitori de franceză sau germana, italiana, spaniola, daneza, engleza, portugheza, maghiara Persoanele interesate sunt invitate sa ataseze aici CV-ul Vom trimite un email cu privire la candidatura d-stra la care va rugam sa raspundeti deoarece avem nevoie si de permisiunea d-stra in preluarea datelor cu caracter personal, conform Conform regulamentului GDPR În masura în care aceste date sunt relevante pentru procesul de recrutare, veti fi contactat in scopul unei angajari în cadrul companiei, Telus International. Multumim.

  • angajeaza analist ajutor

    Subscrisa, XPATH.GLOBAL SRL, cu sediul social in Bucuresti, Sector 1, Str. Intrarea Solzilor, nr. 15, etaj 2, ap. 5, angajeaza: analist ajutor - 2 locuri in Bucuresti ( cerinte: studii mediii, lb engleza)

  • 1

    Ajutor tehnician telecomunicatii Internet TV

    Ajuta la Instalarea echipamentelor de telecomunicatii;< Participa la instalari de clienti noi, dezvoltare retea, mentananta retea etc. Particiapa la lucrarile de dezvoltare si intretinere a retelei de telecomunicatii(date, TV si fibra optica); Permis de conducere categoria B este un avantaj. Reprezinta avantaj experienta in domenii precum: retelistica, depanare calculatoare, retele catv Mai multe detalii la sau

  • 6

    Operatori PC - monitorizare - Sector 6

    Căutăm colegi pentru activitate Centru Monitorizare. Dacă ai cunoștințe de utilizare PC și atenție distributivă sau dorință de a lucra într-un mediu stabil. 20-55. Oferim seriozitate, companie privată de pază în continuă creștere. Sunați sau trimiteți CV la / .

  • 2

    REMOTE Customer Care Agent with English & Italian

    If you live in any town city in Romania and you want to work from home, check the conditions below: Your profile: Ability to write and speak fluently, clearly and concisely in English and Italian Availability for a full-time schedule, in shifts covering 10:00 - 00:00, Monday - Sunday, 5 days week Excellent problem-solving abilities Empathetic and can communicate in a caring and friendly manner Strong time management skills and motivation to exceed expectations Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment Comfortable working with computers and the ability to work with multiple systems and the ability to learn and adapt to new ones Strong team spirit with passion and drive to help users and deliver the best in customer service. High level of mediation and composure As a Customer Support Agent: You will master the skills of effective communication, problem-solving, customer service, and strong cultural awareness. You will have the opportunity to be a part of something bigger and to change lives with our technology, amazing people and a strong brand to serve modern society. You ll be the face of some of the world s top brands! Are you looking for a great career and a place to shine? We offer: Working from home, from any location in Romania Stable job, in a multicultural fast-growing environment Above-average fixed salary, performance and tenure-based bonuses, depending on the position Monthly meal tickets Free access to our modern and fully-equipped employees' gym space in our office building in Bucharest Private medical subscription coverage Extra health benefits: special discounts for dental care and optical services with our partners Reimbursement for your public transportation subscription, after the trial period (if you work from office) Gym subscription reimbursement, after the trial period Transportation vouchers for late shifts (if you work from office) Free subscription to the Bookster virtual library Dedicated psychologist available for free sessions (online or face to face) Special discounts and rates for a variety of services and products: from telecom and banking to tech and home appliances, library, wellness, travel and many more Paid training and international career opportunities Multilingual exposure - improve your spoken and written language skills

  • REMOTE Customer Care Agent with English & Italian

    If you live in any town city in Romania and you want to work from home, check the conditions below: Your profile: Ability to write and speak fluently, clearly and concisely in English and Italian Availability for a full-time schedule, in shifts covering 10:00 - 00:00, Monday - Sunday, 5 days week Excellent problem-solving abilities Empathetic and can communicate in a caring and friendly manner Strong time management skills and motivation to exceed expectations Enjoy working in a fast-paced environment Comfortable working with computers and the ability to work with multiple systems and the ability to learn and adapt to new ones Strong team spirit with passion and drive to help users and deliver the best in customer service. High level of mediation and composure As a Customer Support Agent: You will master the skills of effective communication, problem-solving, customer service, and strong cultural awareness. You will have the opportunity to be a part of something bigger and to change lives with our technology, amazing people and a strong brand to serve modern society. You ll be the face of some of the world s top brands! Are you looking for a great career and a place to shine? We offer: Working from home, from any location in Romania Stable job, in a multicultural fast-growing environment Above-average fixed salary, performance and tenure-based bonuses, depending on the position Monthly meal tickets Free access to our modern and fully-equipped employees' gym space in our office building in Bucharest Private medical subscription coverage Extra health benefits: special discounts for dental care and optical services with our partners Reimbursement for your public transportation subscription, after the trial period (if you work from office) Gym subscription reimbursement, after the trial period Transportation vouchers for late shifts (if you work from office) Free subscription to the Bookster virtual library Dedicated psychologist available for free sessions (online or face to face) Special discounts and rates for a variety of services and products: from telecom and banking to tech and home appliances, library, wellness, travel and many more Paid training and international career opportunities Multilingual exposure - improve your spoken and written language skills

  • 1

    Customer Care Agent

    We are looking for Romanian native speakers to work for the largest retailer of clothes and accessories of Spanish origin! The main responsibilities will be to take calls and offer back-office support through social media, chat and email in order to process requests received from customers. Ability to write and speak fluently, clearly and concisely in Romanian Availability for a full-time schedule, in shifts covering 08:30 - 20:00, Monday - Saturday Availability to work from our office in Bucharest Ability to concentrate and listen actively PC operating skills and techno-editing speed Customer orientation and the ability to quickly find solutions Previous experience in the field of Customer Care or in similar activities is an advantage Flexibility, stability and strong team spirit Confidence and proactivity Dedication and honesty We offer: -Fixed-term labor contract till 31st of July 2024 with the possibility of extending - Above-average fixed salary, performance bonuses - Monthly meal tickets - Gym subscriptions reimbursement, after the trial period - International career - paid training and international career opportunities - Multilingual exposure - improve your spoken and written language skills - Inspiring and fun environment - our offices have become known for their innovative, fun and pleasant design. Enjoy our relax and play areas! - Community projects want to make the world a better place? We run CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) events all year long - Private medical insurance coverage - Special discounts across a variety of Banks, Telecoms, Gym & Fitness centres and more

  • 23

    Disponibil online

    Atlas Navi - Castigi bani conducand autovehiculul

    Job full time sau part time Cea mai mare oportunitate de a face bani pentru cei pasionati de condus. Atlas Navi este o aplicatie precum Waze s-au Google Maps care foloseste inteligenta artificiala si camera video a telefonului.Este prima aplicatie de acest gen care te plateste pentru fiecare kilometru parcurs. Asadar: - daca conduci 1250 km / luna poti castiga pana la 4800 $ /an - daca conduci 2500km / luna poti castiga pana la 9600 $ / an - daca conduci 5000 km /luna poti castiga pana la 19000 $ /an Tot ce trebuie sa faci este sa instalezi aceasta aplicatie de aici care in momentul de fata este in varianta beta si vei avea nevoie de un cod de invitatie pe care il gasesti aici : ymtwfw Aplicatia poate fi descarcata si de pe telefoanele Android sau IOS Apple Store

  • Admin

    DescriereCerinte: - persoana tanara, dinamica, increzatoare in propriile forte; - experienta in lucrul pe calculator(excel, word) si viteza de lucru; - comunicare foarte buna la telefon (fluenta in vorbire); - limba engleza cel putin nivel mediu; - persoana energica, comunicativa cu capacitate de relationare; - persoana capabila sa invete continuu lucruri noi; - persoana organizata, responsabila; Descriere: - gestiunea documentelor si monitorizarea fluxurilor de documente; - arhivarea documentelor; - mentinerea diverselor rapoarte si evidente necesare in departament; - operare diverse inregistrari in sistemul informatic; - program de lucru in ture luni-duminica; Oportunitati: - Sansa de a lucra intr-un mediu profesionist, intr-o echipa tanara si motivata - Perspectiva afirmarii intr-un domeniu dinamic si modern - Salariu motivant, pe masura realizarilor - Pregatire sustinuta si suport intern pentru atingerea obiectivelor Sunteti dispus/a sa lucrati in ture zi/noapte?

  • 2

    Huawei Technologies SRL Romania angajeaza

    HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES SRL, persoana juridica romana cu sediul in Bucuresti, Sector 2, Str. Barbu Vacarescu, Nr 201, etaj 14,15,16,23,24,25, angajeaza: -Inginer electronist transporturi, telecomunicatii - Cod Cor 215204 (cerinte: studii superioare, lb. engleza, experienta 1 an): 1 post - Manager proiect - Cod Cor 242101 (cerinte: studii superioare, lb. engleza, experienta 1 an): 1 post Interviu online sau la sediul firmei. Informatii la telefon.

  • Angajam sapator manual sisteme de telecomunicatii

    DIGI| RCS&RDS cauta sapator manual pentru orasul Bucuresti si zonele invecinate. Locul de munca este de teren, prin urmare te vei ocupa de activitati de sapare, ingropare a cablurilor si incarcarea - descarcarea materialelor. Candidatul ideal: Detinerea permisului - categoria B; Disponibilitate pentru efort fizic si munca pe santier; Daca postul este de interes, atunci cere-ne mai multe detalii la telefon, trimite-ne CV-ul sau datele de contact si hai sa ne cunoastem la un interviu! Aici vom discuta detalii despre salariu, despre colaborarea de durata pe care ne-o dorim, despre contractul individual de munca si stabilitatea pe care o asiguram.

  • 1

    Back-Office Germana

    AGENT Back-Office CU LIMBA GERMANĂ Suntem în căutarea de vorbitori nativi de limbă germană pasionați să se alăture echipei noastre ca agenți de suport tehnic. Rolul implică asistență prin chat și tichete pentru o cunoscută platformă de social media, fără a necesita gestionarea apelurilor telefonice. Locație: Sectorul 5, on-site Orar: Ture variabile între 7:00 și 2:00, Data de începere: 1 Aprilie


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